Best In The Business

Everyone thinks they’re the best in the business.

But everyone can’t be the best in the business. Only the best is.

That leaves us with only one question: what does “the best” mean?

Good news: those you wish to serve have already defined what “best” means. Possibly as a product or service, but more likely as a set of criteria that are important to them. Possibly already defined, but more likely as a set of ideas or beliefs they hold about what their world should look like.

Best for them could mean great quality, at a fair price, while sharing their belief system. Those who go for for instance (which I’m happy to recommend) hold their beliefs above ‘free’, citing everything has a price, and the value of privacy exceeds the price of services rendered.

Best for others could mean workable, for free, whatever it believes. Those who prefer may not share that same belief system. That’s fine, it’s not for them. Here’s the point:** “The best in the business” is defined by every individual, one at a time, not as a mass.**

Everyone may not be able to be the best in the business. But you can be the best in the business… for your people.

Who are you the best for?