You Get To Set The Price Of Success

The “price of success” is lower than you think.

It goes up when you forget what it means. If success becomes “driving a car with a badge on it that ‘successful’ people drive”, then the price increased. Nothing wrong with the car, just be mindful that you set the price yourself.

If goes up when you do things you hate. If success becomes material (such as the car), you’ll sacrifice immaterial things (such as your time) to any task – whether you love it or hate it – for as long as is necessary to get the material. Nothing wrong with the car, again, just be mindful that you set the price yourself.

It goes up when you don’t address your highest need. To contribute. Successful people know that the only logical thing to do after capturing the world, is to give it away again. Most only learn it after the fact. Now you know, it’s a choice for you.

Now you get to set the price yourself, what price will it be? It could be to do what you love, to get what you need, to make a difference in the lives of those you wish to serve? It could be to do what you hate, to get what others say you should have, to wonder if there’s more.

Your choice.