Doing The Right Work

We have more access, connection and distribution than the president of the United States had 20 years ago.

Which begs the question: are you doing the right work?

Write the report if you’re the right person to write it. The one who will make turn heads and create change as a result of that report. Unless of course, there’s someone better equipped to do it than you.

Design the page if you’re the right person to design it. The one who can capture hearts and change minds as a result of the story you’ll tell. Unless of course, there’s someone better equipped to do it than you.

Lead the way if you’re the right person to lead that project. The one who knows what success looks like in that field, has been there before and can take people there again. Unless of course, there’s someone better equipped to do it than you.

The world is too small now for any of us to be doing the wrong work. The meaningful change you wish to bring to the marketplace only occurs to the fullness of its potential if you instead turn your attention to doing the right work, while equipping others to do the same.