Using Failure, Suffering & Adversity

“If you learn to use failure, suffering, adversity right, it will buy you a ticket to a place you couldn’t have gone any other way.” – Coach Bennett, University of Virginia Cavaliers

This quote struck me as a wonderful example of leveraging every movement for the benefit of our important work.

Our work progresses from success. We have the luxury of doubling-down on what works, when it works. Of refining our work, perfecting our process and making the experience even more exquisite for those in our care.

Our work progresses from failure. We have the luxury of doubling-down on those we wish to serve, understanding them and their needs more intimately, so that our work can be elevated to what we’ve defined as success.

Either way, progress is a decision, whatever circumstances present themselves to us.

And often, as Coach Bennett said, the struggle and the journey buys us a ticket to a place we couldn’t have gone any other way.