The Skill of Getting Over the Hump

What is the hump?

It’s when you know you’re ready to buy something, but you teeter on the edge of action. More testimonials, more documentation, more conversations. Getting over the hump is a skill – the bravery to say “Yes” when “Yes” is probably the best thing for you.

It’s when you know they’re ready to buy something, but you teeter on the edge of closing. More calls, more follow-up, more ‘value’. Helping others over the hump is a skill – the selfless act of helping people get to “Yes” when “Yes” is probably the best thing for them.

It’s when you’re ready to start the new project, the book, the business idea, the product… but teeter on the edge of getting started. More ‘research’, more ‘thinking about it’, more procrastination. Getting over the hump is a skill – the important act of taking imperfect action in the face of huge uncertainty and self-doubt.

We are all faced with humps, all of the time. What will you do when the next one hits?