Winning Is Only Half The Battle

Winning and Losing aren’t so different, when it comes to our important work or our life journey:

We need to learn how to win. Winning fuels the growth of our work and ourselves. It fuels and powers ‘what comes next’. It encourages us to try even harder, to reach the next level. And it teaches us about what’s really important, about the things that will fulfill and sustain us that are more important than the win.

We need to learn how to lose. Losing also fuels the growth of our work and ourselves. It too fuels and powers ‘what comes next’. It too encourages us to try even harder, to reach the win. And it teaches us about what’s really important, about the things that will fulfill and sustain us that are more important than the loss.

We wouldn’t know success without loss, and we wouldn’t recognize loss without success. We need both, work that matters needs both.

And so, perhaps we shouldn’t chase ‘wins’ any more than we should chase ‘losses’. Instead, perhaps we should simply pursue doing things that matter, come what may.