The Changes You Can’t Manage

We all say we like change.

Some like it so much they go into Change Management.

But some change can’t be managed. Do we like that change?

Losing a family member or valued client is change. These aren’t change we can manage; they’re happening precisely how they’re going to happen. We can only change the way we feel about them. To live in memory of someone, or learn a valuable lesson from loss. Perhaps it was always going to happen, eventually. There’s good in there that makes us better.

A change in relationship status or job title that you didn’t want. These aren’t changes we can manage; there’s a chance we could have last week, but not this week. We can only change the way we feel about them. To grow in our understanding or craft so that we’re better than we were last week. Perhaps it should have happened long ago. There’s good in there that makes us better.

Change is always happening. We may not always like it, we may not always be able to manage it. But it can always benefit us when we learn and grow from it.