The Day Got Messed Up

Oh, your day didn’t go so well?

That’s alright. It happens to everyone. All of us. Even people on Instagram.

Unforeseen things

As organized as you may be, ‘unforeseen’ things still come up from time to time. 

It’s natural to find these tedious until the realization comes: this is part of the process.

Why was it unforeseen? What will make it – and things like it – ‘foreseen’ in the future?

Unforeseen is an opportunity to improve your vision. That’s a good thing.

Made a mistake, had to fix

As talented and methodical as you may be, mistakes will come up from time to time.

It’s natural to kick yourself and feel bad about these until the realization comes: this too is part of the process.

Why did the mistake happen? What will make this – and things like this – un-mistake-able in the future?

Mistakes are opportunities to improve your process. That’s a good thing.

Just a bad mood

Yep, even the nicest of us get in a bad mood from time to time. 

It can be natural to suspect there’s something wrong with you, be it a lack of belief, or that there may be yet another book about ‘mindset’ you need to buy. Until the realization comes: this is part of the process.

Why were you in a bad mood? What can you do to redirect yourself from that response?

Moods are opportunities to improve your self-awareness. That’s a good thing.

This is the path to optimization and effectiveness. Not reading about people’s morning rituals and trying to be insta-perfect. But rather, the act of living and learning.