Proud Enough To Sign It

When you’re proud of something you’ve written, you sign it. When you’re proud of something you’ve drawn, you sign it.

What about the time and energy we dedicate to our daily work?

The project you’re working on maybe in your control, or it may simply be something you must follow instructions within. In either case, we have the opportunity to ask ourselves, “Were we to be permitted a signature on this piece, would we sign it?”

The business you’re building may be your own, owned with others, or be something you enrolled in later on. In any case, we have the opportunity to contribute to its success or its mediocrity with our work. Would we feel proud enough of today’s contributions to sign it?

The difference you’re making in the world may be of your design, or led by a leader you admire. In either case, we have the power to make the time we invest into life matter for a cause and drive it forward, or merely pass by with marginal results. Are we contributing in a way that is worthy of our name?

Most opportunity is by our design. Our contribution is up to us.