Out-Serving Your Competitors

Why don’t more company out-serve their competitors, instead of worrying about what the next ‘funnel’ is that they need to get more customers

For example:

Why is the material you really want people to engage with hidden behind email opt-in forms and time-access restraints?

I get it, ‘funnels’, right? Here’s a question: if your competitors are all doing that in the same way – some of which are ‘lowering the tone’ with sensationalism – would you gain a marketing advantage if you simply made some of those materials freely and publicly available to the world?

You won’t get email addresses. But building relationships is more important than collecting email addresses.

Why are your brightest minds reserved for those who have paid lots of money?

I get it, ‘money’, right? Here’s a question: if your competitors are all limiting public access to those who make your company great – instead connecting low-trained low-care folks to those you wish to serve – would you gain a marketing advantage if you simply closed the gap a bit?

It may cost the team some time depending on how it’s done. But isn’t over-protecting your time sometimes preventing you from building the relationships with the very people you set out to serve?

The popular ways are popular because everyone’s doing them, not because they’re best. You get to choose whether or not to out-serve your competitors by building better relationships with the market than they dare.