When ‘Good Service’ Ruins Your Brand

Turns out the customer isn’t always right. We have two choices when we hear a request from someone we wish to serve:

  • **‘Yes that’s fine’ **is fine, unless you’re pandering for the sale. Oftentimes, there’s a better way, and not doing the emotional labor of educating your prospect commoditizes you into a replaceable cog in their wheel.
  • ‘There’s a better way’ is what we say when we care enough about the results of our prospect to propose something different; a different product, order volume, or frequency of purchase. This self-elected fiduciary role sets you apart.

“The customer is always right” is a fast-track to commoditizing yourself into a replaceable cog. Do you have the confidence to show your market a better way?

(Tip: The best way to educate prospects is through a good narrative. tryABC.net can help you get clear on what that narrative should be.)