Great teams
Creating, leading, or belonging to a great team is a privilege.
Like a great childhood, a great team has lasting effects on us that we wouldn’t change for the world. What makes a great team? And how do you know when you’re on one?
- Initiative. Members step up for challenges outside their comfort zone.
- Committed. Members show up for reasons beyond the dollar alone.
- Good stewards. Of time, attention, energy, resources. Self-sustaining.
- Time. Members want to spend it >together.
- Trust. No babysitting. Members are treated like–and behave like–adults.
- Growth. Members are becoming–h or helping others become-A Players.
- Respect. Opinions, values, and apologies are all accepted and honored.
- Tough-love. Members are relationally strong enough to challenge each other.
- Protective. Members actively reject ‘bad fits’ for the benefit of the team.
- Pride. Members are all proud of the work they do together.
Great teams are rare. How many of these does your team have? Which could you bring to your team?