A perfect website offer?

What makes a perfect website offer?

Is it to take a 30 day free trial?
Nope. Most people don’t trust you enough to enter CC information.
Marketers have messed it up with their silly games.

Is to register for plans & pricing?
Nope. Gatekeeping information essential to the buying decision is just silly.
In no known universe is “make it harder for them to want your thing” a good idea.

Is it to book a discovery call?
Nope. Enough businesses have conflated ‘discovery call’ with ‘sales call’ to have ruined this.
People want a sales call like they want a hole in the head.

Here’s what makes a great website offer:
It’s what they ALREADY want, but given to them how they’d love to receive it.

I explore this topic in more detail in this week’s issue of The Productoon newsletter. Check it out!