Is 'new' really 'better'?

Around this time of year, big tech shares its new toys.

New features. New tools. New technology. New functionality.

But does any of it really make your work better?

Do you really use Photoshop that much differently now than you did 10 years ago?
Sure, your skill may have grown, and client needs may change, but really?

Do you really write scripts that much differently now than you did 10 years ago?
Sure, you may have become a better writer, but how much of that was from features?

Do you really write code that much differently now than you did 10 years ago?
Sure, some languages may have come/gone, but vim is still vim, right?

‘New and improved’ is sold to us as ‘better’.

What if it’s not ‘better’, but merely ‘different’?

What if not upgrading and changing everything all the time is actually ‘better’?

Something to think about when everyone’s showing off new toys.