Put that helmet away

Not spoken to any potential customers in a week?

Here’s what you’re missing out on…

(Put a helmet on ’cus you may want to kick yourself)

What potential customers know:

  • What has their attention at the moment
  • What their problems feel like right now
  • What their inner-narrative sounds like
  • What ‘cheap’ and ‘expensive’ mean - What they think progress feels like
  • What they think the solution is - What they’ve tried that failed
  • What ‘easy’ and ‘hard’ mean - What they’re afraid of doing
  • What they enjoy consuming
  • What ‘no-brainer’ looks like
  • What they’ll look forward to

What you know:


I’m told that’s the sound it makes when the penny finally drops. (And pennies are a sound you’ll want to get used to)

Do these 3 things:

  1. Talk to customers,
  2. Have a process for organising that data,
  3. Implement what it reveals.

Then put that helmet away, champ. Can’t hear customers with it on.