Think on paper

Notebooks are a life hack.

When you write digitally, you can backspace it out. Delete it. Pretend it never existed. You’ll never look back on those notes. You’ll forget to carry them with you to whatever new note apps you try out.

You lose your history, your thoughts, your journey.

And you lose your ability to commit to thoughts.

It’s like you never wrote them down at all.

But when you jot notes on paper? It’s there. Undeletable. It exists. They’re easy to look back on by flicking through pages. You’ll put it in a drawer, and know precisely how to ‘access them’ later.

You gain a better log of freeform thinking.

You gain confidence in your own mind.

Sure, type up the useful stuff. You can search for it, share it, and all manner of useful things.

But thinking?

That’s done best on paper.