The best marketer in your business
Who’s the best marketer in your business?
Even in a company of one, it should not be you.
But wait… If no one loves your business more than you do… How could it possibly be anyone else?
Because the best marketers are always:
Your customers.
But there’s a problem: Most businesses have no clue how to ‘recruit’ their customers as effective marketers.
There are a few ways… today we’re going to cover the best way. Integrating edutainment into your attraction, activation, and advocacy stages.
Attraction: They want to come to you
Produce marketing materials that people love and look forward to.
Letting people discover your business through video content that resembles what they already love watching (so they can enjoy watching you too, instead of just skipping you).
Letting people play with a product mock with a fun guide and contextualised seed data (so they’ve already tasted wins before signing up).
Letting people play with an interactive quiz that starts solving their problems right away (so they’re already associating you with easy, fun progress).
Letting people play with a game-style walkthrough to explore your physical location (and find secret goodies, so they already know your place before visiting).
People look forward to seeing you. Stage one of recruitment complete.
Activation: They want to use your product/service
Make getting setup with you so delightful they’ll work you into their life.
Make onboarding fun so they can’t not complete it. Incentivise onboarding completion so there are bonuses for doing it now. Give more bonuses for trying out new features. Be creative about what the rewards are.
Give your product/service a personality so people feel like they’re building a relationship, not just using a tool. Let it talk to them, let it be a ‘person’, let loyalty develop within that relationship. Let it remember their birthday. Let it have a birthday.
People look forward to using you. Stage two of recruitment complete.
I explore this topic in more detail in this week’s issue of The Productoon newsletter. Check it out!