Brand melody

What’s a ‘brand melody’?

(And no, it’s nothing to do with audio!)

But it has everything to do with how a brand ‘sounds’.

Y’see. we remember melodies.
We hear the first few notes = we recognise the tune.

When you ‘hear’ a brand, you know:

- what you’re about to learn - how you’re about to feel - how good it’s going to be

But it’s NOT always a good thing.

It could mean:

- you’ll learn basically nothing - you’re about to feel uncomfortable - it’s not going to be that great

Or it could mean:

- you’ll learn something useful and applicable - you’ll feel great while learning it - it’s going to be top quality stuff

So when you create content, videos, pages, products, anything…

Remember it’s all part of your brand melody.
Just one bad note makes it all sound ‘off’.

What do you want your brand to ‘sound like’?