Creative success

What is creative success?
Or success as a creative?

Most define it all wrong:

You’ll encounter people online who will make you feel like you should be ‘achieving’ more. ‘Doing’ more. ‘Turning over’ more. Being ‘featured’ more.

More more more.

And they all miss the point entirely.
The point? That which you set out to achieve in the first place.

Some set out to create for fun after the day’s responsibilities are complete.
Some set out to create as a side-income.
Some set out to create full-time.
None are right or wrong.
Only decisions, based on what you want to achieve.

Some want to work on a few projects they feel passionately about.
Some want to work on as many projects as possible, touching them only briefly.
Some want to work only on their own projects.
Some want to work only with clients.
None are right or wrong.
Only decisions, based on what you want to achieve.

Maybe you want to make lots of money from your work.
Maybe enjoying your day has monetary worth of its own.
Maybe you don’t care about how much you make.
None are right or wrong.
Only decisions, based on what you want to achieve.

What is creative success?

Not listening to others, if their noise isn’t serving you.

You succeed when you set a goal for yourself — your goal - and give it your best shot.

We’ll be very proud of you for doing that.

And you should be proud of you too.