Simple vs shiny

I use my Mac in practically the same way I did 10 years ago.

Same text editor, browser, mail app, file organisation, settings, config, the list goes on (I keep a list of my tools here).


Because each time I let myself get caught up in whatever ‘new’ stuff is out there, it distracts me from two things:

  1. The muscle-memory, skills, comfort, confidence and speed I’ve developed through using these tools.

  2. The focus of doing great work, rather than tinkering with new toys.

Yes, some parts of the setup are strange. I have a Wacom stylus in my hand while using a text editor that only responds to keyboard inputs (no cursor input detected.) I miss out on some of the ‘productivity hacks’ often touted by ‘productivity hacks’ online.

But none of those hacks surpass mastery over your tools, and no shortcut outpaces the simple act of staying focused on the things that matter.

I add tools when there’s a hole. I release tools when there’s excess.

For the rest of the time, my tools work for me, not the other way around.

Simple is better than shiny when simple produces great work and shiny only slows you down.