How do you turn your customers into your salesforce?

How do you turn your customers into your salesforce?

That’s what we’re covering today.

In just 5 steps, since simple is better than complex:

Step 1: Don’t start with what they want.

Start with what they believe.

When you go to market with their beliefs, seeing your work gives their brain a massage.

They’ll feel like they “belong” around you, rather than merely exist in your world.

Step 2: Don’t just make what they want.

Make what they want, and give it to them how they love to receive it. You want both ‘want’ and ‘love’ represented here.

They’ll feel like they “look forward” to your work, rather than merely “use” or “consume” it.

Step 3: De-platform through brilliance.

If you email or post about something you’ve prepared (content, say) and it could have existed on-platform (eg a video, or a graphic), then they’ll just wonder why you’re taking them off-platform.

Give them an experience their platform (email, social, etc) can’t possibly contain. Something interactive, immersive, something special.

They’ll feel like they can’t wait to click, rather than needing to be convinced.

Step 4: Give them a ticket to ride.

Moving from that page to your product should be a rollercoaster of fun and problem-solving.

If it’s fun, solves a problem and gives them prizes before they’re even done getting set up, they associate you with progress, with results, with success.

And that’s powerful stuff, when your competitors just throw them a form and call it good.

Step 5: Make your success their success.

Most of the time, customers don’t care how well you’re doing. And they’ve no interest in helping you achieve your goals. That is, unless you make your success their success.

Referral bonuses, milestone giveaways, badges, points, prizes, whatever you choose, make certain that every time you succeed, they succeed.

Now they’ll conspire to help you succeed because of what it gets them. Of course, they’ll continue not caring about how your competitors are doing.

I go into more detail on this topic in this week’s issue of The Productoon Newsletter. Check it out!