One goal at a time

My son taught me something new this week.

And I’ve learned the lesson by watching his actions.

Back when he wanted to crawl, all he seemed to focus on was crawling.

The moment he woke up, he was trying to get on all fours and move.

Once he’d nailed crawling, he had his eyes set on crawling faster.

Then on standing up against surfaces.

Then on standing up against things that let him practice assisted walking.

Every day when he wakes up, he’s straight into the one thing he’s got his eyes set on.

One goal at a time.

Not ten. Not five.

One goal. He stays focused on just one.

And that’s how he achieves it.

Sure, we can achieve things with multiple goals. But it’s far less effective. My quickest wins always came from when I focused.

And he’s taught me to make that more of a habit.

Maybe you should give it a try too.