64 times a day?

Post 1–2 times a day.

No, Post 3–7 times a day.

No, Post 9.25 times a day.

No, Post 64 times a day.

Hold on hold on hold on. Let’s think about this.

What are we trying to achieve here?

To be seen as a likeable, entertaining humans that others want to spend time around, who keep giving out presents like its Christmas?

Or to be seen as tedious self-important algo-monsters who eat platitudes for breakfast?

Santa only comes once a year and we look forward to him because he knows what we want and he gives it to us in a fun way.

It’s not the frequency we love about Santa, it’s that he knows what we want and he gives it to us in a fun way.

Sure, show up every day. Be the good friend that’s awesome at keeping in touch. Rather than the bad friend who constantly drops in raids your fridge, takes a dump, then leaves.

But remember: it’s not about arbitrary post numbers. It’s about who shows up.