Better than templates

Throw a rock.

And try to avoid hitting a Notion content template with it.

See? You can’t.

Everyone’s got one. Everyone’s making them.

Selling them, even.

And yet not everyone has a successful content or advertising campaign.

Something’s off, isn’t it?

Partially. Man cannot live on Notion templates alone.

But he can live on this:

  1. Spend time with your target audience. Hang with them. Expose your worldview to theirs. The combination of market exposure and your brand philosophies will reveal problems, pains, and good taste.

  2. Pitch ideas (not products) to them. Show them what you think would be awesome to create (a free video, page, resource, whatever). If they think it’s awesome too, that‘s good. If they think it isn’t, go again.

  3. Make the awesome thing and publish it for them (and others like them) to enjoy.

I cover this in more detail in this week’s issue of The Productoon newsletter. Check it out!