Big, cool, or love?
There are a few games in town.
‘Cool’ and ‘Big’ are popular games. They prioritise how others see you, and how much you’ve “dominated” the market.
But there’s a third game. One that’s a little less selfish and a lot more sustainable.
It’s the game of building for ‘falling in love’.
The ‘falling in love’ business doesn’t need to be cool, it just needs to make you curious enough to explore, discover, and experience delight on your own terms.
The ‘falling in love’ business doesn’t need to be big, it wants to be small enough for you to discover it in places you like to discover things, and grow with your interest from there.
The ‘falling in love’ business builds enduring work, like Hello Kitty and Peanuts have. Neither tried to be cool. Neither tried to be big. Both optimised for people to fall in love.
And so they endure.