
We spent all day on hospital.

Our son lost consciousness and an ambulance raced us to hospital to see what was wrong.

At every turn, we were served reminders of how inefficient large operations can become:

  • Every healthcare professional needed to be brought up-to-date by us, every time
  • The hospital has no access to the doctor’s notes, or any other hospital’s notes
  • Hours of waiting between every step, some of which required repeat steps because staff members ended their shifts

He’s okay.

Because he’s always been a fighter.

Just like his mama and dada.

Many wouldn’t be so lucky.

It served as yet another reminder that small, nimble teams full of passion for their craft and care for their clients can outperform the largest of enterprises…

…precisely because they’re not large.

Viva la small team of crazies ready to take on the world…

…And fight.