Making people feel attached

“I wish they’d make less stuff so I didn’t have to spend so much money.”

It’s madness. Insanity, even.

How do some brands make us feel so… attached? Why do we hand them our wallets whenever they ask?

Because they figured us out. And not necessarily in a creepy or insidious way… but in a “we actually took the time to deeply understand what you need, what you want, and what you love.” way.

It’s not enough to know their problems (though you’ll sell nothing if you don’t).

It’s not enough to know what they want (though you’ll sell more if you do).

No: We need to know what they love. What they enjoy. What they do outside of your world (y’know, where they spend 99.99% of their time).

This week’s issue of the Productoons newsletter covers this in more detail, plus steps you can take to make it happen in your own work.

Check it out at