An alternative to time blocking

You’re probably familiar with time blocking.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Fill your calendar with boxes representing tasks
  2. Keep going until your whole day is boxes
  3. Feel productive as you fly from box to box
  4. Experience mild anxiety from constant clock-watching
  5. Handle anxiety by cutting corners to avoid wrath of calendar gods

Hmm. Doesn’t sound so awesome when you put it that way.

Here’s an alternative:

  1. Switch your calendar to “month view”
  2. If the calendar cells truncate, you have too much on
  3. List 2–3 things you’re going to do (well) each day
  4. Do those 2-3 things (well)
  5. Go for a walk or read a book or something

Ahh. Sounds like you’re going to do some good work then relax. Nice.

The choice is yours.