Cheatcodes to enjoying your work
17 unusual cheatcodes to enjoying your work:
- Read with a pen
- Clean desktop (tidy)
- A Deep Work playlist
- Think of work like a game
- Read more (make the time)
- Mechanical keyboard (asmr)
- Go walk, ponder possibilities
- Rewards for doing hard things
- Take more breaks (just trust me)
- Use stickies & sharpies (tactility)
- Desk toys (reminder to be playful)
- Stop delegating the things you love
- Automate/eliminate things you hate
- Eliminate money worries (e.g. simplify)
- Drink more water (I know you like coffee)
- Personal monthly challenges (you vs you)
- Take courses that look fun (prioritise growth)
This isn’t an exhaustive list… but it’s a different kind of list.
Pick one. Just one. And see what happens.