The future is fun

After consulting for folks from places like Cisco, Asana, Wrangler etc… I learned something.

Everyone is trying to work out how to forge deeper relationships with their audience.

Everyone, across all sizes.

My first pieces of advice are usually:

Care more about your people: If you’re able to shift from “how can I make people want this” to “how can I make what people want”, everything changes. No more R&D departments in dark rooms. Lots more phone calls with customers, or hanging out in their favourite subreddits.

Stop being boring: If you’re able to make the first shift, you’re able to make this shift on the back of it. We’re all bored by things that aren’t in our areas of interest and aren’t delivered in a way that is our preferred delivery model. Entirely solveable problems. While the last step challenges us to understand, this step challenges us to implement what we learn

The past was boring. Full of sensational self-serving ads and ‘community’ being used as a synonym for ‘audience’.

The future is fun. Full of surprises, gifts, and a shared vision with those we wish to serve.