Seneca Used Slack

“Can we make better use of the time we have each day?”

I was asked this question today.

And ooh my, I enjoyed spending time with it, because there’s a temptation to respond with productivity theatre, when in reality that misses the point.

I try to run a tight schedule, with running multiple businesses and raising a family. I plan out the week on Sundays, filling each day with steps to hit the week’s goals across each project and for family too…

But days benefit from some slack.

Not to lounge lazily, but to live.

Seneca wrote, “Living is the least important activity of the preoccupied man; yet there is nothing which is harder to learn.”

And it’s a skill that unearths so much about the person who makes so many decisions about how we lead our lives: ourselves.

We don’t doubt the time we spend investing in employees, peers or family… nor should we doubt the time we spend investing in ourselves, either.