Change isn’t that uncomfortable

This is our first Christmas with our baby boy.

And golly is it different (in a good way!)

We don’t sleep much right now, because he’s feeding every couple of hours. He’s growing strong, he’s fighting the obstacles he was born with, and the reward is more than worth the sacrifice.

We don’t leisurely eat our Christmas meals right now, because we have a precious little bundle who needs our constant attention. We get to enjoy our meals differently, and enjoy our boy at the same time, which is so much better than “mealtimes as usual”.

Change can be good or bad depending on whether or not we have our perspective in order. Most good things in life require change to bring them about. And change, as we’re told, is supposed to be uncomfortable. But y’know what? A little discomfort pales in comparison to the huge upside we receive for engaging it.

Change isn’t normally that uncomfortable.

Why not pursue change a little more often, then?

Happy Christmas, change maker.