Did you do your best?

One of two things will happen:

Either this question can motivate the best version of yourself to show up each day…

Or it’ll haunt you about shortcomings you don’t feel like addressing in yourself just yet.

“Did you do your best?”

In your day, did you? In the project you just finished, did you? In your relationships this week, did you?

If you can look in the mirror and confidently say “Yes!” then be really proud of that, as this is very rare.

If the answer is “Yes, but” then move onto the next answer, which is the honest version of this answer.

If the answer is “No”, then now you have the opportunity to do something about that tomorrow, with the intention and specificity you need to achieve that change.

So. Regarding whatever is going on in work or in life right now…

Did you do your best