I hate marketing

I love making and selling things that people will love.

But I hate marketing.

Not because the act of connecting good people with great things that will benefit their lives for a fair price is a bad thing. It’s not.

And not because the desire to connect with good people and see their lives change positively is a bad thing, either. It’s not.

But because in my 17 years of marketing experience, I’ve resolved that most marketers tend to be interested in none of those things.

Meaningful work is downtrodden: Connecting and empathising with real people is something most marketers want to give to machines.

Interests are not aligned: Seeing progress in someone else’s life isn’t the goal of a marketer. Seeing their own close rates go up regardless of great alignment, is.

It’s not getting any better: Platforms are trying to encourage meaningful connection, marketers keep looking for loopholes to exploit.

So yes, I hate marketing.

And yes, I will continue to do marketing…

…Because we need SOME people out here doing the meaningful, aligned, honourable work of improving the lives of others, using our capitalist society as a force or good.

If you’re also involved in marketing, I hope you’ll join me on trying to be a good example of a better way.