
Things happen.

And those things cause mind shifts.

Like living through trials and abuse. Such things either make you afraid of people, slow to trust, eager to make the world a better place, or a combination of the above. For us, it was a combination of the above.

Like marrying your favourite person. My work stopped being about me and became about doing things that would give her every opportunity to do everything she wants in life, from telling stories she loves and helping people, to having freedom over her space and her time.

Like eagerly awaiting the arrival of your child. We got both braver and more conservative at the same time, eager to aggressively protect the downside, while wanting to use the marketplace as a vehicle for creating the best parenting tools we could dream of.

No two people are on the same journey.

So it’s truly pointless trying to compare them.

Lean into your mind shifts. They help make you who you are.