A remind for good people

Good people are in short supply.

Partly because they often inadvertently self-destruct.

This is a quick reminder to not self-destruct.

It’s OK to charge money for your products and services. Stop trying to give everything away for free; people don’t value free, and so you’re ding them no favours making everything free. If you want to be good and help people, make an exchange and really help them.

It’s OK to cut bad partners and clients loose. Stop trying to save every lost puppy you come into contact with. Sticking with bad partners holds you back, and sticking with bad clients makes you long for the weekend. Cut them loose so you can help those who value you.

It’s OK to have an opinion that differs from the status quo. Stop trying to please everyone or throttle your enthusiasm for what matters. Many may not understand, but your work is not for them. Focus on those you serve so that you can serve them fully,.

Even Superman couldn’t be in two places at once.

Stay good. Stay the course.