Social Media Stoic

What does Stoicism and Social Media have in common?

The Stoics, alongside talking about the cardinal virtues and the dichotomy of control, also talked about living in accordance with nature.

As social creatures, that means that ‘social’ is part of our nature… and in 2022, that often includes social media.

There’s drama and toxicity on there, which is why some of us avoid it… but those things exist outside of social media too, and we get to model something better, perhaps with our creativity and our work.

There are ‘dark patterns’ on there, which is why some of us get addicted to its shallow nature… but it’s where our people are, and we have the opportunity to go and serve them, offering something deeper.

For those of us drawn to creating things that make people better, who are repelled by social media’s justified reputation…

…Consider what ‘living in accordance with nature’ means to you, and how that might equip you and your work to engage those you wish to serve across all kinds of new channels.

The tech continues to evolve. But the people using it still need your help, friend.