More skills, more practice

Want more skills?

First, find time in your daily schedule for more practice.

If I go a week without writing, I forget how to write. Writer’s block is a byproduct of not writing enough. My daily post helps me think and write faster. Daily practice, more skills.

If I go a week without touching code, I code slower. Good code is clear thought, and a lack of practice makes the functions and frameworks harder to recall. Daily practice, more skills.

If I go a week without drawing, drawings get more rigid. Good illustrations/animations are about movement, and movement comes from confidence and practice. Daily practice, more skills.

If I go a week without studying philosophy, I think less. Stress, anxiety and fear run rampant when you don’t domesticate your mind with philosophical thinking. Daily practice, more skills.

Skills aren’t won or bought.

They’re grown and nurtured like plants, or they wither.

If you want more skills, don’t forget to count the cost of daily practice for as long as you wish to keep them alive.