Why our team lists no awards

My creative studio doesn’t list any awards.


Because they’re totally meaningless:

Most creative awards are franchises designed to feed on insecure creatives. They pay to list their work, pay to attend a ceremony, then get offered to open a franchise of their own. Pointless.

The few that aren’t as above, don’t mean your team is good at their work. There’s a distinct difference between good work delivered, good people delivering it, and award games indulged.

Awards have been won. We don’t submit to win, we don’t feature them in our marketing, and we don’t show up to the events.

We do the work of being objectively brilliant for those in our care. That’s enough.

There may be distractions and charades in your industry, too. It’s a choice whether or not we wish to participate. Feel free to exercise that choice however you see fit.