The Dying Art Of Clarity

Clarity isn’t popular. It requires most things to get out of the way, so that only the most important things take centre-stage. It requires the obvious to be obvious, the main thing to be the main thing.

Decoration is popular. It doesn’t require taking a stance like Clarity does; it encourages whatever is cool and loud to take centre-stage, alongside anything else that is cool and loud. There’s no room for Clarity here.

Focus isn’t popular. It requires saying no to lots of things, especially to your favourite distractions. Focus is uncomfortable, critical, precise.

Shiny is popular. It doesn’t require Focus to operate; it would prefer to dazzle Focus into obscurity alongside a great many other things. It’s comfortable, nice, inclusive.

Decoration and shininess will earn you more approval.

Clarity and focus will win earn you your greatest work.