Figuring it out

“Figuring it out” is a superpower.

If you’ve been in the marketplace for any length of time, you’ll likely have experienced the following types:

#1: The couldn’t-figure-it-out

These people make promises and then break them. Someone who is of the third type must pick up the pieces.

#2: The figure-it-out-later

These people figure out a way of figuring it out, but their chosen way requires more time, money or personnel than the project allows. And so they don’t figure it out, thus someone of the third time must pick up the pieces.

#3: Those who figure it out

These people are mindful of the constraints, and use resourcefulness to make something amazing happen within those constraints. They figure it out.

If you’re the third type, you’ll never be without work.

If you’re not the third time, consider what that means for your usefulness and your brand.

If you meet someone of the third type, do not let them go.