Play to Learn

We’ve heard of P2E (Play to Earn).

I think the bigger breakthrough is hidden in plain sight: Pay to Learn.

Some of us learned by reading books.

I still like to do this. Perhaps you do too. But it’s not as popular as it used to be. Many become “booksmart” though, with no applied knowledge to make the learning useful.

More recently, many of us learned by watching videos.

There’s a YouTube video (or 100) that will cover the thing you want to learn. According to research described in HBR, watching alone can lead to an overinflated sense of one’s abilities to match that skill.

Next, we will learn through play, community and experience.

This next phase will solve the problems that came before it. No more ‘booksmart’, nor overinflated sense of ability, for learning is applied immediately.

It’s how we learned as children.

And it’s the next frontier for learning and opportunity to create new learning experiences.