Mortiverse launch

Version 1 of the proof-of-concept microverse experience launched this week.

Give it a peek, it’s a really unique experience.

Written with no frameworks, no complex tech stack, no proprietary plugins.

Just open, public, raw html/css/javascript. Tools that are freely available to us all. Tools that you can run directly on your computer, with nothing extra to install.

This got me thinking:

You’ll amaze yourself with how much you can achieve by simplifying.

When I decided to make the site about a week ago, since I’ve been building these sorts of things for about 20 years, my mind raced to all of the technologies we could use to pull it off.

20 years worth of technologies.

The decision to produce the whole thing with not a single framework was refreshing. Empowering. Liberating. Freeing.

No stabilisers. No helping hands. No standing opinions. Just open, free creative expression.

You don’t need permission to do your work.
You may not need all the tools you think you do.
You may not need all the resources you think you do.

You may just need to start.