We need each other

We need each other. Even when we think we don’t.

Children born during the pandemic have experienced a shocking drop in cognitive development of 22 IQ points (source).

To quote the source:

“In terms of effect size, he said, “the closest thing we’ve seen in other research… is the studies that were done of orphans in Romania. The effects of institutionalisation and lack of interaction on them were profound, but what we’re seeing here is on par with that.”

Most of these kids will probably never recover their lost development.

We’re social creatures…

The post-pandemic world needs more ways for us to socialise and connect. Perhaps this is part of what made the community-supernova of NFTs so prevalent — we need connection, we need to laugh together, we need to build together, we need shared experiences.

Next time you think of tearing someone down, remember friends:

We need each other.