Things That Will Make You Burnout

Here’s a shortlist of things that will burn you out, eventually.

And what to do about that.

#1 Things you hate

I suspect this one goes without saying.

Most of us have done it. It’s not inherently bad, it’s just totally unsustainable.

Do this only for as long as you absolutely have to. Then stop it, even if you sort-of-like the rewards it brings.

#2 Things you don’t like

This one is a little tougher to stop doing.

It feels sustainable if you’re a gritty go-getter. Trust me, it’ll get you…eventually.

When you can choose to stop doing these things, remember it’s a choice. And you should choose to pave that path.

#3 Things you’d rather not be doing

This is one of the hardest things to stop doing.

We could do these things all day if asked. Many of us do.

But we get attached to these things. Remember you can’t say Yes to Great until you say No to Good.

#4 Things you want to do in a hurry

This is the hardest thing to stop doing.

FOMO lives here. Gambling lives here. Adrenaline lives here. You can’t survive on a diet of those things.

That leaves only one thing:

Things you love to sustainably do. These are things you bring your best to, and reveal your best self.

Like Lao Tzu’s writing: If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.

Are you bringing your best self to your work?

What’s stopping you?