A Healthy Relationship With Risk

What’s your relationship with risk? 
As in, Right Now?

Here are 3 types of risk relationship. Which one best describes yours?

#1 Obsessed with risk

These people win big, having fixated themselves on the potential win. They also often lose big, having not considered the potential losses.

The former makes people bold. The latter moves people into the second bucket, below.

#2 Afraid of risk

These people either lost something, or can’t stand the idea of losing something. And so they may struggle to get something worth being afraid to lose.

There’s a better middle ground to look for instead…

#3 Friends with risk

These people take risks, and have made peace with the potential outcomes.

Maybe it works out great, maybe it flops… we’re friends with risk either way.

This is (I think) the healthy place to operate from.

This is where good ideas get the opportunity to actually go to market, but without sinking the business.

This is where innovation comes from — the ability to cite, “this may not work”, and be okay with the outcome.