You’re in marketing now

This post is for you if you’ve ever said this:

“I don’t do marketing.”

I’ve spoken with leaders, execs, even salespeople who made this statement.

Allow me to challenge your thinking for just a moment:

#1 Do you lead people? Your people need to be sold on your vision.

Every day.

The way you represent yourself, your work and your business… …that’s all marketing.

#2 Do you tweet? Your words represent your work.

With every tweet.

Your rage-tweets aren’t just “expressing yourself”. They’re likely “bad marketing”.

#3 Do you talk to customers? Ever? You’re marketing the firm.

You might pick up the incoming calls at reception. You might answer customer support tickets. You might be a project manager.

You’re in marketing.

One of the big missed opportunities of many businesses is their failure to see how all of these things are, in fact, marketing.

Your competitors may have missed this, too.

That’s your opportunity.