Hey, No Negativity
Do you know what my biggest roadblock is to growth and progress?
My wife and I were talking about this today, so it felt timely to write about it.
Its probably your biggest roadblock too:
#1 Your relationship with yourself
I beat myself up quite a lot. My wife’s the same way.
For us, it’s a deliberate act to quiet the judgemental voices inside that state, “you’re not good enough.”
When we listen, we suffer. When we ignore, we grow.
#2 Your overthink
You might be thinking too much.
I’m a thinker… I love reading philosophy and comprehending the world and our experience in it…
…But sometimes, ‘think’ gets in the way of ‘do’. Don’t let that happen.
#3 Can’t is a four-letter word
We use “can’t” like a swear word.
It has its place… I’m not woo-woo and understand it has a role in nature…
But you probably need to wash your mouth (and brain) out with soap.
Stop swearing!
Most of business and creating is a mental game.
A game where you think you’re competing with the world.
But really you’re just competing against yourself.