Resting when you’re dead
“I’ll rest when I’m dead!”
Ever met someone who said that? I’ve been that person, a bit like Sedgwick is in the comic there.
I’ve had dark times where life didn’t look the way I wanted it to. Times where to most of the world everything looks amazing, but suffering something awful behind-the-scenes.
In those times, many of us are more likely to find an escape than a fix.
An escape such as working all hours “hustling” in an attempt to compensate for another part of your life that feels empty.
It could be all manner of other things that I’m not qualified to talk about, but have heard horrors about, such as substance abuse.
A lot of those all-star social media profiles who look like they have it all together?
It’s an epidemic.
But all the work in the world won’t actually fix the problem it’s compensating for. Nor will it pay off without that problem being fixed.
Whether you’re running a business or leading part of one from within, don’t just find rest when you’re dead.
Find rest now.
Sometimes, the best business move you can make is to fix the mess you want no one to see.
Then watch how much you can achieve.