Dream on

Dreaming gets a bad rap.

Dreamers are associated with wantrepreneurship. Idleness. Could-be-but-wont-bes.

This just isn’t correct.

Creating something that doesn’t yet exist requires the ability to see what isn’t there, in detail. That’s dreaming.

While creating for others, actively listening to others informs product development, but only if you’re able to imagine what the changes mean to the bigger picture. The picture that doesn’t yet exist, but you see. That’s dreaming.

While creating something different, something big, you’ll go for long periods of time when only you see the finished piece, in your mind. Those valleys are full of opportunities to lose sight, vision, and resolve. The better you are at dreaming, the better you’ll be at holding onto that big picture.

There are lots of dreamers out there who don’t take action. Too many.

But there are also lots of dreamers who do take action, and produce wonderful things for the market to enjoy.

Dreaming isn’t the problem. A lack of dreaming and a lack of action is.

Dream on.

Do something about what you see.